Digitizing Thesis Supervision & Academic Advising with Laravel, Livewire, and High-Performance Deployment
Automated Test Item Analysis & Real-Time CBT Platform for Mathematics Educators
Automated Document Archiving System with Google Drive Integration
Building a Secure Campus Inventory Management System with Laravel & Livewire
Your Personal AI-Powered Toolkit
Boost Your Productivity with Ease.
Url web shortener
Gebyar Matematika 2023 Website
Administration Academic System for STIT Assunniyyah Tambarangan
Scripts for automatic attendance student in Lambung Mangkurat University
Fast and Easy Storage Solutions for Your Digital World
Iam using this to showcase my projects
The project of creating a mathematics learning website, designed as a versatile platform for students to learn mathematics anytime, anywhere. This website project not only provides comprehensive learning resources but also enables teachers to create their own teaching materials. Additionally, it incorporates a live scoring feature that simplifies the assessment and evaluation process. The development of this website utilizes Laravel, Tailwind CSS, and Alpine.js to deliver a seamless and interactive learning experience.
highlighting the official website of Assunniyyah Tambarangan College of Islamic Education, powered by WordPress.
The new student enrollment process at Assunniyyah Tambarangan College of Islamic Education. This website serves as a platform for prospective students to register and apply for admission. The project utilizes Laravel as the backend framework and Tailwind CSS for the frontend design.
Website developed for the Mathematics Education Student Association at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University
Digital Library for STIT Assunniyyah Tambarangan
Your Gateway to STIT Assunniyyah Tambarangan's Publications
A tool for math that can solve your math within a second