

Next JS

Boost Your Productivity with Ease.

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eTask is your all-in-one productivity and task management app designed to streamline your daily routine, enhance your task organization, and boost your productivity. Built using Next.js and powered by Firebase as a Backend as a Service (BaaS), eTask offers a seamless and robust solution for task management, scheduling, the Pomodoro technique, and note-taking.

Key Features:

  • Task Management: Effortlessly create, organize, and prioritize your tasks. Keep track of your to-dos, set due dates, and never miss an important deadline again.
  • Weekly Plan: Plan your day effectively with eTask's intuitive scheduling feature. Arrange tasks, meetings, and events to optimize your time.
  • Pomodoro Clock: Boost your productivity with the Pomodoro technique built right into the app. Stay focused, work efficiently, and take regular breaks to maintain peak performance.
  • Memo: Capture your ideas, thoughts, and important information in one place. Create and manage notes easily, ensuring you never lose valuable insights.

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